Friday, May 13, 2016

sUAS Operational Risk Management

Enclosed is an Operational Risk Management worksheet created for the DJI Phantom 2 Vision.  I chose this platform because this is a small unmanned aerial system (sUAS) that I fly.  Additionally, I am awaiting a section 333 exemption, which will allow me charge for services I can provide DJI Phantom 2 Vision.
I started this ORM assessment tool by making a Primary Hazard List (PHL).  The PHL consists of likelihood category and severity category. Each category has 4 possible outcomes; not likely, possible, probable, and certain for likelihood; and negligible, moderate, high, and catastrophic for severity.  All range in value from 1-4 where one has a low value and 4 has a high value.  A matrix could then be built giving a risk assessment value by multiplying the value of the severity and likelihood, see FIGURE 1.
FIGURE 1. PHL for the DJI Phantom 2 Vision.
Once the PHL was completed I moved on to the Preliminary Hazard Assessment (PHA).  A list of hazards were compiled and the likelihood and severity were assessed giving a risk level (RL) value by multiplying the values.  Mitigating actions are also listed for each hazard to decrease the risk level resulting in the residual risk level (RRL).  An attempt was made to ensure all RL could be mitigated to some point but not all resulted in a lower RRL.
An Operational Hazard Review and Analysis (OHR&A) was created but has not been filled out because no flights have taken place.

FIGURE 2. ORM Worksheet for the DJI Phantom 2 Vision.

Lastly, an ORM Worksheet was created.  The worksheet can be completed digitally or manually, the digital method automatically sums entered line values.  The total value can then give the operator or myself an ORM level.  One caveat with the line listed as “AIRFIELD TOWER NOTIFIED” created with the assumption that operations will be taking place within the required 5nm of an airfield where the airfield would need to be notified.  If the flight is outside of this radius then the line can be skipped.

I will incorporate this ORM tool into flying of my DJI Phantom 2 Vision in addition with the checklist that I already operate with.  This tool can also let me assess the operational risk of flying when operating with my section 333 exemption.

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