Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Automatic Takeoff and Landing

There’s a saying in aviation, “Flying is the 2nd greatest thrill known to man. Landing is the 1st.”  This is because landing along with takeoff is a very dynamic part of a flight, and often the most dynamic part of a flight.  Pilots are often talking to approach or tower controllers, running checklists, scanning gauges, and physically controlling the aircraft during this part of flight.  Even in the early years of aviation, inventors and engineers have sought to ease the demands of an aviator, and this was seen as early only about 10 years after the Wright Brothers first flight, with Elmer Sperry’s gyrostabilizer, (Elmer Sperry, Sr., 2016).  The world of aviation has seen many changes from the early days of flight, but engineers still face many challenges including automation.
            For pilots, talks of automation in takeoff and landing can be a touchy subject for those who pride themselves on being able to land an airplane with hand-eye skills.  The Airbus A320 is capable of taking off and landing through automation.  Once the pilot has aligned the aircraft for the approach, speed is adjusted through an auto-throttle system, in where the pilot turns a dial to select an indicated speed and the aircraft adjusts the throttle levers accordingly, (Airbus A320: Auto Landing Tutorial, 2012).  Once the appropriate speed is set and the navigation aid (NAVAID) is selected, the approach button can be depressed, (Airbus A320: Auto Landing Tutorial, 2012).  During all of these processes the pilot is still receiving information from the aircraft and NAVAID and should be backing up the automation by checking the speed, ensuring NAVAID guidance is being received.  Once the glideslope is intercepted the pilot will further input the final approach speed, lower the landing gear, set the flaps, and set the spoilers and autobrakes, (Airbus A320: Auto Landing Tutorial, 2012).  The pilot will leave their hands on the power lever in the event of a go around, (Airbus A320: Auto Landing Tutorial, 2012).
            This system helps to alleviate the additional demands put on a pilot in the terminal by automating parts of the evolution, allowing the pilots to focus on things such as navigation (visual), and communication.  The system in the A320 is capable of flying in a zero vertical visibility and 50 meter horizontal visibility situation, (Airbus A320: Auto Landing Tutorial, 2012).  With the automated system taking care of the aviation portion of the evolution, the pilot must never forget the basics of, “aviate, navigate, communicate.”  This is the priority of skills often taught to aviators early in flight training.  This being said the pilot is always there in the cockpit ready to take control if required or making the judgement call for a go around.
            These systems have also found their way in to unmanned aerial systems (UAS).  The MQ-9 Reaper, remotely piloted aircraft (RPA), boasted in September 2012 that it had, “successfully completed 106 full-stop Automatic Takeoff and Landing Capability (ATLC) landings, a first for the multi-mission aircraft. The milestone was first achieved with four ATLC landings on June 27 at the company’s Gray Butte Flight Operations Facility in Palmdale, Calif,” (Predator B Demonstrates Automatic Takeoff and Landing Capability, 2012).  Other systems have been created to assist in this process since in its simplest for the computer is simply following a predefined flight path.  “The Visually Assisted Landing System (VALS), lets the drones use their cameras to identify landmarks, adjust speed and direction accordingly, and navigate to a smooth landing. And since runways are clearly defined, flat, obvious pieces of topography, identifying them should be easier… By utilizing the drones existing cameras, the system can be used for both the larger UAVs like the Predator, and smaller drones like the Scan Eagle,” (Fox, 2009).
FIGURE 1. Vision based landing technology called The Visually Assisted Landing System (VALS).  Courtesy of Popular Science.

            Both manned and RPA can be equipped with systems that can follow a preset published approach to get back on the ground.  But, an RPA is missing one key thing that manned aircraft has, a pilot in the aircraft making judgment calls based on what they are seeing and feeling.  While a RPA operator can see and make decisions, these are typically in a limited field of view and are subject to communications links.  If a communication link is broken, the RPA operator is now, for all intents and purposes, blind.  “Vision-based landing has been found attractive since it is passive and does not require any special equipment other than a camera and a vision processing unit onboard,” (Huh, 2010).  A visual based system would let the RPA make a split second decision such as a go around due to reduced visibility or a fouled runway.
            While aviation has made major changes from its beginnings in 1903, we still face the some of the same basic issues, of trying to find ways to assist the pilot to make aviation safer and easier.  We have even gone so far to pull the pilot out of the aircraft, but still face some of the same issues.

Airbus A320: Auto Landing Tutorial. (2012 Apr 6). BAA Training. Retrieved from

Elmer Sperry, Sr.. (2016 Apr 27). The National Aviation Hall of Fame. Retrieved from

Fox, S. (2009 Aug 4). Popular Science. Retrieved from

Huh, S., & Shim, D. H. (2010). A vision-based automatic landing method for fixed-wing UAVs. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 57(1), 217-231. doi:10.1007/s10846-009-9382-2. Retrieved from

Predator B Demonstrates Automatic Takeoff and Landing Capability. (2012 Sep 17). General Atomics Aeronautical. Retrieved from

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